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经典的单词组合往往是学习英语的入门标志,掌握这些词组就是掌握了英语学习的基础。有些人在背单词时,单独记忆某个词汇的时候,实际上是记忆了许多类似的词汇,要是没有组合成一句话,那么可能孤单地躺在你的大脑深处不知所措。 1. break the ice(打破僵局):I used a joke to break the ice at our first meeting. 2. a piece of cake(小菜一碟):With your help, this task is a piece of cake. 3. get the ball rolling(开始进行):Let’s get the ball rolling on the project. 4. in the same boat(同舟共济):We are all in the same boat during the difficult times. 5. once in a blue moon(千载难逢):I only visit my hometown once in a blue moon.


动宾短语是用动词和名词或代词组成的,可用作动词的宾语。学习英语时,我们经常用这种短语表达某种动作或状态。这种短语可以扩展你的单词记忆,并提高你的语言表达能力。 1. take a bath(洗澡):I usually take a bath before going to bed. 2. make a decision(做决定):I have made a decision to study abroad next year. 3. give a speech(作演讲):The president gave a speech at the UN General Assembly. 4. have a chat(聊天):I enjoy having a chat with friends over coffee. 5. make an excuse(找借口):He always makes an excuse to avoid the meeting.


形容词短语指由多个形容词组成的一个短语。当我们想要用更具体和生动的方式来描述一个名词时,形容词短语是一个非常有力的工具。通过熟练地使用形容词短语,你可以使自己的语言更加丰富,表达更加贴切。 1. bright and cheerful(明亮透气):This room is so bright and cheerful that I love to stay here. 2. calm and relaxed(安静放松):Sitting by the ocean makes me feel calm and relaxed. 3. busy and noisy(热闹喧哗):The downtown area is always busy and noisy. 4. cold and damp(寒冷潮湿):I hate the winter because it’s always cold and damp. 5. warm and fuzzy(温暖亲切):After hearing the news, I felt warm and fuzzy inside. ,应该积极地寻找、记忆和使用英语中的各种词组,等你发现并掌握了它们的用法后,你的英语表达能力将得到很大提高。相信只要你持之以恒地学习,早晚都能成为一名英语高手!